How are we different?
Counselors, classes, seminars and retreats.
The resources are plentiful. The material is engaging. But to truly better your marriage and relationship, most don’t deliver results that stick.
That’s where we come in.
Growing Love Network stands by a success rate far-exceeding the traditional marriage-help approaches, solutions and repercussions. Our mission is to go beyond the quick-fix and instead, focus on transformation:
Failing marriages becoming saved marriages, stagnant marriages becoming thriving marriages, engaged couples equipped for lifelong love, people choosing marriage out of hope, instead of fear.
Join us in a revolution to create, heal + grow love that lasts a lifetime.
Growing Love Network
Our deepest, most heartfelt human need is to be significant to someone.
Entire industries have emerged to help us find our “soul mate,” that One-and-Only "destined" to love us just as we are. But when the search is over, and we then discover that our soul-mate isn’t perfect—which, by the way, always happens—we start trying to reshape them to better suit our expectations.
There’s just one problem with this approach: people don’t like to be “fixed.” Trying to change others just creates more broken relationships.
Could it be that we’re looking for the wrong things? Asking the wrong questions?
Join us for a Growing Love course, or a Love Reboot seminar, and we’ll show you how to turn the traditional search for “The One” on its head. All of your relationships—I promise—will be transformed.
Growing Love Network is a 501c3, non-profit organization.
Our Founders
Jon & Joanna Anderson
Jon and Joanna Anderson are the founders and directors of Growing Love Network, and together lead intensive workshops for couples across the country. Jon has worked with thousands of couples and individuals through counseling and personal therapy, and has trained hundreds of couples to lead Growing Love marriage classes.
Based in San Antonio, Jon has taught numerous college courses since 1998 in psychology, human development and student development. He is the author of The Acceptance: What Brings and Keeps Lifelong Love, Growing Love: The 9 Essentials of Lifelong Love, Love Reboot: Healing for Hurting Marriages, and 365 Days of Growing Love.
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